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Westsider Rider

Monday, September 18, 2006


What more is there to say about Saturday? It was enjoyed by the Maize and Blue faithful all across the country and the world but I was fortunate enough to actually be in the stands, with great seats as well, and enjoy all the action live. Got to Notre Dame at a decent time around 9:30 or so and did the usual tailgate and then headed out early to the Stadium so I could actually look around the campus unlike 4 years ago since I don't know when/if I'll ever make it out there again for a game.

Got to my seats and it finally started to sink in that I actually at the game and I started getting butterflies until the game started. Since we were there early I got to see all the warmups including everyone's favorite Romanian Overlord Zoltan Mesko. Zoltan was just killin his punts in warmups it was the first time I had seen him warming up and I have to say it was impressive. Once he gets more consistent watch out, we will have a real weapon on our hands.

After what seemed like forever the team emerged as the game was ready to get underway.

In the middle of the first half Chris Perry made an apperance into our section.

I didn't take too many action shots because I was too into the game but I had a feeling about this play so I got my camera ready but was a little late to the shot, still here's the team celebrating in the corner after Mario's 3rd TD of the day.

The team comes out and ready to go for the 2nd half.

The next two shots are the 1st and 2nd down after Prescott Burgess' 2nd INT of the game.

One of the few problems I had was with the playcalling on that drive, you can see in the 2nd picture Arrington is one on one on the outside and had a good shot at it but the angle was tough for him, I wanted to see the coaches go back to the same play to give Arrington another shot because ND was bringing everyone else in the box to stop the run.

Here's a great shot of the band playing the Victors directly in front of us.

As time expired and the team started heading towards our corner.

And now the celebration begins.

Warning the following videos may make you dizzy as I'm shooting them with my digital camera while I'm trying to celebrate as well.

The Victors with the team:

It's Great to Be A Michigan Wolverine:

It was an unreal feeling walking out of that stadium with a win like that and here's the Band as they celebrate while marching towards Touchdown Jesus.

I think that sums it all up my day at South Bend. I am extremely proud of the way our team came out and played and especially for the coaches who have been under a lot of heat. Another great moment that I wish I was able to record was when Mario Manningham caught his last ball of the day the band then immediately broke into the music from Super Mario Bros. I wasn't able to watch a copy of the game so I can't say much else, I'll just let it soak in and enjoy it for a few days as we head into the Big Ten schedule. Wait, there is one last picture that can sum it all up, the end result:


  • I have all but the last 5 minutes of game time TIVO'd. if i can figure out how to get it onto my computer (and i think i can) we'll figure a way to send it your way.

    Also, i havent felt this giddy about a win in a long time. i was in the best mood all say saturday and sunday because i it. i fell asleep saturday dreaming about the game. havent done that since high school. its great to be a michigan wolverine.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:19 PM  

  • It's good Perry's at least doing something with his Saturdays, since he hasn't had a chance to do much on Sundays. Really looks like you had a great time Kenny.

    By Blogger Johnny, at 10:40 PM  

  • Nate, don't worry about it I've got a copy of it Tivo'd, the only problem is because my NBC HD feed is choppy it's not clear sometimes but I'll probably end up getting a copy of the game somehow.

    Johnny, yeah I was shocked to see him there as well, I thought he had a problem with his knee but I saw him on the sidelines and then all of a sudden he hopped from the field over the rail into the stands and sprinted down towards our section.

    By Blogger Kenny, at 5:24 PM  

  • Was that Braylon wearing the blue "M" baseball cap standing behind Perry? Kinda looks like him. I'm assuming not, of course, since you would've mentioned that, lol. Nice pics!

    By Blogger Jeff, at 8:57 PM  

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